Greek Recipes, Photography, Travel & Creative Ideas

Sugar - free Lemonade and Strawberry Juice

Sugar - free Lemonade and Strawberry Juice

Sugar - free Lemonade and Strawberry Juice

An easy recipe for homemade sugar-free lemonade and strawberry juice, bursting with natural flavors and a refreshing freshness, ideal to quench our thirst on a hot day! Freshness meets the pure essence of lemon and strawberry, without guilt...

10 - 15 min
3 - 4 glasses


For the lemonade:

  • 1200 ml water
  • 250 ml lemon juice
  • 80 - 90 g crystalline stevia 1:2
  • Mint leaves

For the strawberry juice:

  • 400 g strawberries
  • 80 - 90 g crystalline stevia 1:2
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • Mint leaves

How to


  • Boil the water, lemon juice and stevia for 15 min, removing the foam.
  • Remove from the heat, add 2-3 mint leaves and allow them to flavour the lemonade for 20 min.
  • When cool, serve with ice cubes and mint leaves!!!

Strawberry juice

  • Mush the strawberries and boil the pulp with the stevia over medium heat for 10-12 min, stirring and removing the foam.
  • When it comes to the boil, add the lemon juice.
  • When it cools down, add water in a ratio of 1:5 and serve with ice cubes and mint leaves!!!
Irene Bebekli

Irene Bebekli

I am Irene, I am a web & 3D designer and I love design, pastry and baking, photography and traveling, writing short articles, crafting and creative ideas! So I took a "jar", I put in all these "things" that I love and that' s how my digital magazine "Greek jar" was made! I hope you like it as much as I do!!!

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