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Olive tree, the precious gift of nature

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Olive tree, the precious gift of nature

The olive tree, the sacred tree of the goddess Athena and Athens, has its roots in ancient Greek mythology and is one of the most beloved trees of the Greeks. According to the legend, in the dispute between Athena, the goddess of wisdom, and Poseidon, the god of the sea, over who would be the protector of the city of Athens, she offered an olive tree as a gift to the people of Athens. The inhabitants thought that the olive tree was more valuable for their lives compared to the horse, which was Poseidon's gift to them. Thus the goddess Athena became the patroness of the city.

In ancient Greece, the olive tree and its symbolic meaning accompanied every aspect of life and this great symbolism has been preserved to the present day. A symbol of peace and reconciliation, a symbol of victory, a symbol of longevity and strength, a symbol of knowledge, wisdom and wealth. In ancient times, an olive wreath made from the wild olive tree that grew outside the temple of Zeus in Olympia, the "Cotinos" was the trophy of victory and the highest honour for an athlete at the Olympic Games, while today in many rural areas of Greece, when a child is born, an olive tree is planted, thus symbolising the evolution of life. Undoubtedly, therefore, throughout the centuries the olive tree remains a meaningful symbol, a tree so precious and special for Greece and the Greeks.

Olive cultivation is widespread throughout the Mediterranean, where it first appeared many thousands of years ago. According to historians, important findings testify to the presence of olive trees in Greece since the Neolithic period. The olive tree begins to bear olives at about the age of 7 years, and from the age of 30 years it begins to grow fully. The normal lifespan of an olive tree is 300 to 600 years, while some olives have managed to live for more than a millennium. There are more than 70 varieties of olive tree and their products, olive oil and olives are essential elements of the Mediterranean diet, providing countless health benefits.

When someone hears about virgin olive oil, the first country that comes to mind is Greece and not without reason... Greek olive oil is considered the best in the world because of its purity, its excellent taste and its high nutritional value. For all these reasons and for their symbolism olive trees, olives and olive oil are so precious and so beloved!!!! Try some virgin olive oil on toasted (warm) bread, add some olives in your salad or sandwich or give a small olive tree as a token of friendship, kindness and goodness.

And for those of you who ...dig a little deeper, a beautiful bottle of exceptional quality olive oil is a special gift that will undoubtedly be appreciated by those who understand the importance of simplicity and quality in life... As the renowned Greek poet Odysseus Elytis, a personal favorite of mine, once beautifully articulated: " In simplicity lies happiness..."

Irene Bebekli

Irene Bebekli

I am Irene, I am a web & 3D designer and I love design, pastry and baking, photography and traveling, writing short articles, crafting and creative ideas! So I took a "jar", I put in all these "things" that I love and that' s how my digital magazine "Greek jar" was made! I hope you like it as much as I do!!!

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