Greek Recipes, Photography, Travel & Creative Ideas

How to make beeswax cream at home

DIY Ideas

How to make beeswax cream at home

Beeswax cream is a face and body cream that has its roots in antiquity and is 100% natural. The two basic ingredients of the recipe are beeswax and olive oil (now other types of oil are also used) which, when combined with other beneficial ingredients, can be transformed into a cream rich in vitamins, minerals, trace elements and antioxidants that improves dry skin, helps with skin irritations and gives elasticity.

I made my own beeswax cream with almond oil and vitamin E as follows:


10 tbsps of almond oil

2 tbsps of beeswax in drops (if you cannot find beeswax in drops, rub the beeswax on a grater)

1/3 tsp of vitamin E

15 - 20 drops of essential oil of your preference (optional)

How to:

1. Put the beeswax in a container suitable for a bain-marie and add the almond oil.

2. Using the bain – marie method, heat the ingredients until the beeswax melts, stirring constantly.

3. Remove from the heat and after 3 - 4 min (if you have a thermometer measure the temperature at 95o F - 35o C) add the vitamin E (and your favorite essential oil in case you want to add this ingredient too).

4. Stir until blended and pour into sterilized cosmetic glass jar/jars

5. When it has cooled down completely, we can use it.

I made about 70 ml of beeswax cream using these proportions of ingredients.

Note from Greek jar:

You can add olive oil, coconut oil, etc. instead of almond oil.

We can add a few drops of essential oils depending on the purpose and use of the cream.

Instead of vitamin E, choose another vitamin that you want your beeswax cream to contain.

We can add color to our cream by adding colors suitable for cosmetics.

If we are allergic to any of the above ingredients, we do not use it.

Avoid sun exposure after application, especially on the face.

This is a long-lasting product, but I tend to make small amounts for myself and my loved ones so that I can use them up in a short time and avoid the possibility of the oils going rancid.

Irene Bebekli

Irene Bebekli

I am Irene, I am a web & 3D designer and I love design, pastry and baking, photography and traveling, writing short articles, crafting and creative ideas! So I took a "jar", I put in all these "things" that I love and that' s how my digital magazine "Greek jar" was made! I hope you like it as much as I do!!!

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