Greek Recipes, Photography, Travel & Creative Ideas

Zagorochoria, a mountainous paradise

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  • Zagorochoria, a mountainous paradise
Zagorochoria, a mountainous paradise

Zagorochoria, a mountainous paradise

Scattered on the foothills and slopes of Pindos, 46 stone-built villages, shrouded in myth, whisper secrets and lead you into a world where time seems to have frozen. It is Zagorochoria!!!! Anyone who walks its cobbled streets will be enchanted by this unique mosaic, where nature and tradition meet in perfect harmony.

Imagine standing at the edge of the Vikos Gorge, where the Voidomatis River dances through a gorge so deep it seems to touch the core of the earth. A landscape of untamed beauty that will take your breath away. Walk through forests of beech, oak and pine, among rare species of flora and fauna that thrive in the North Pindos National Park, an area included in the UNESCO World Geopark Network.

The picturesque streets that connect the villages, the arched bridges and the beautiful houses reveal the architectural skill and elegance of the locals. Here, every step you take echoes the echoes of other centuries. Each village has its own unique beauty, but they are all part of the same puzzle.  Dilofo, Mikro and Megalo Papigo, Aristi, Monodendri and Tsepelovo are just a few of these living museums that allow you to travel back in time and immerse yourself in their history.

The genuine flavors of Epirus dominate in Zagorochoria and perfectly satisfy those who love good food. Taste delicious traditional pies and local meats cooked on the grill and sweeten yourself with baked apples and spoon sweets. Food is not just food here, and visitors have the opportunity to sample local flavors in the beautiful restaurants and taverns of the area, as well as at the various festivals that bring the villages to life.

Zagorochoria is a realm where time slows down, the value of the moment becomes meaningful, and the true essence of life is revealed in the present. Here, silence speaks loudly, inviting you to connect meaningfully with the place and its people. Zagorochoria is one of those places that are hard to get to know and easy to fall in love with! When you leave this enchanted world, you will take with you not only memories, but also a piece of its soul, an invitation to return, because, as the locals say: In Zagorochoria, no one leaves just once! It always returns!!!!

Irene Bebekli

Irene Bebekli

I am Irene, I am a web & 3D designer and I love design, pastry and baking, photography and traveling, writing short articles, crafting and creative ideas! So I took a "jar", I put in all these "things" that I love and that' s how my digital magazine "Greek jar" was made! I hope you like it as much as I do!!!

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