Chocolate Covered Stuffed Dates, sugar free

Chocolate Covered Stuffed Dates, sugar free

The date, the humble fruit with its natural sweetness, rich caramel flavor and many health benefits, is enriched with pistachios from the beautiful island of Aegina and dipped in melted couverture with stevia! The stuffed chocolate dates give us the sweetness of nature and we enjoy without guilt...

25 pcs


  • 25 dates
  • 40 g coarsely chopped pistachios or other nuts
  • 180 – 200 g couverture chocolate with stevia
  • 2 tbsp seed oil
  • Finely chopped pistachios or other nuts for decoration

How to

  1. Slice the dates lengthwise carefully. You should reach the pit so as to remove it but not cut through the date.
  2. Fill the dates with the pistachios and press gently to seal in the filling.
  3. Transfer to the refrigerator for one hour.
  4. Melt the couverture in a bain-marie or in the microwave, adding the seed oil.
  5. Dip the dates in the melted couverture chocolate, making sure they are completely covered.
  6. Transfer to parchment paper and sprinkle with chopped pistachios.

Note from Greek jar:

Store them in the refrigerator, especially during the warm months. I think they taste better!

Bain marie: a pan or bowl placed in a large, shallow pan of warm water, without letting the bottom of the pan or bowl touch the water.